
Push-ups on bars with GSF weights and the rules for its implementation.


4.1.1 To accept the starting position and weight load, it is used special cabinet or device for weight loading. Help with this is included
duties of assistants on the platform.
4.1.2 Weight, to complete the approach, is fixed on the athlete’s body with using the athletic belt.

4.2 Starting position.
4.2.1 Athlete in weight in a vertical position of the body, arms athlete lean on parallel bars.
4.2.2 It is not allowed to touch the platform and any fixed parts equipment, except for grasping the bars with your hands.
4.2.3 None of the assistants, personal insurers, trainers, should concern the athlete. The exception is only assistance in loading and unloading.
weight and upright hanging, before starting exercises.
4.2.4 The swinging of the housing is not allowed.
4.2.5 Bending the knees is permissible.
4.2.6 Hands at the elbows fully extended.
4.2.7 Permitted types of grip: direct open and closed grip.
4.2.8 Wrist straps, gymnastic hooks - prohibited.

4.3.1 The start of the exercise is the team of senior judge "Start" ("Start").
4.3.2 Having received a command to start the exercise, the athlete starts bending the arms at the elbows (downward movement) until the upper
the surface of the posterior deltoid muscle bundle will not be lower than the upper athlete's elbow joint.
4.3.3 As soon as the athlete is stationary (stopped and recorded) this position, the senior judge gives the command “Up” (“Up”).
4.3.4 After the “Up” command, the athlete returns to the starting position (starting) position.
4.3.5 Any downward movement after the Up command is not allowed.
4.3.6 Having fixed in this position, the athlete receives a command Finish (Rack).
4.3.7 After the “Finish” command, the athlete must stand on the pedestal, either assistants should help him get down from the projectile onto the platform and
unload the weight.
4.3.8 During the push-ups, the platform should not be more than three (3) and at least two (2) assistants.
4.3.9 An athlete from the moment he is called to the platform by the secretary (speaker)
competition, before the exercise, the athlete starting position, given two minutes.

4.4 Reasons why push-ups may not be counted.
4.4.1 Failure to comply with any of the teams of the senior judge on the platform, execution of movement up to the teams or together with the teams of the senior referee.
4.4.2 Error in accepting the starting position with straightened in elbows with hands, at the beginning or end of the exercise.
4.4.3 Error in taking the correct position in the lower position, when the upper surface of the posterior deltoid muscle is lower than
the highest point of the elbow joint of the athlete.
4.4.4 Downward movement after the “Up” command of the senior referee.
4.4.5. Swinging the case at any stage of the push-ups.
4.4.6 More than one attempt to move down after a command Referee “Start”. And also more than one attempt to perform
movement up, after the command of the senior judge "Up" ("Up") - double traffic.
4.4.7 Touching the legs (body) of the platform or racks of the bars.
4.4.8 Jumping from the boards to the command of the senior judge “Finish” ("Rack").
4.4.9 If the athlete does not go to the platform during the time, reserved for this.
4.4.10 Weight loss from a belt or with a belt from an athlete.
4.5 Allowed and not an error.
4.5.1. Straightening and bending the legs at the knees, during execution exercises, without touching the racks of the horizontal bar or platform.
4.5.2 It is allowed to unclench your fingers to straighten the grip, without loss palm contact with the bars.
If the athlete has started to move up to the “Start” command senior judge, but did not accept a lower position, it is permissible to return to
starting position, wait for the senior referee's team to begin execution exercises and perform approach
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